The Cultivator Dry Trimmer is capable or trimming up to 16 pounds per hour of dry product. It’s an attractive trimmer with a slick black finish and stainless steel drum and simple controls.
The Cultivator Dry Trimmer by Kairos uses a different type of tumbler that treats the plant more gently to minimize damage and waste, to hopefully produce a higher usable yield. The trimmer comes with an efficient motor with timer for true hands-free operation.
The machine is low maintenance and easy to clean and can be disassembled quickly and with minimal effort.
The Cultivator Dry Trimmer is capable or trimming up to 16 pounds per hour of dry product. It’s an attractive trimmer with a slick black finish and stainless steel drum and simple controls.
The Cultivator Dry Trimmer by Kairos uses a different type of tumbler that treats the plant more gently to minimize damage and waste, to hopefully produce a higher usable yield. The trimmer comes with an efficient motor with timer for true hands-free operation.
The machine is low maintenance and easy to clean and can be disassembled quickly and with minimal effort.
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